Is It Love?这是爱么?
时间:2016-11-01 13:45:39
Dear Mitch,
Hey! I've noticed that you have been flirting with me. You make it pretty obvious that you like me. I really like you. I want to know if you like me as much. If you do, please tell me. I wish that you would be mine and that I would be yours. If you think this is love, please tell me. I want you to be mine so badly, Baby.
Every time I'm around you, you make my face melt and my mind turn into Jell-O. My heart beats faster than a hummingbird's. I love you more than chocolate. You've got the best smile in the world, and I love you so much! I hear your voice when someone talks to me.
I love you and will forever. I hope you love me, and I'll be waiting for a response. Bye, Baby.
Love always,
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